Friday, 20 August 2010


I am very excited! I have just booked a beginners day course in knitting at Wibbling Wools in Bury St. Edmunds.
A friend of mine asked me if I wanted to go and I just couldn't refuse. I'd been thinking about learning how to knit for some time and really want a crafty hobby to get my teeth into. I'm sure I won't be an expert after one lesson but I can't wait to be able to try and make things for baby to be.
My grandma was always a great knitter and I remember being fascinated by the process. For some reason she never taught me to knit, although she did teach me to sew, a skill that I am badly out of practice in! Grant told me that his Mum taught him to knit when he was little and he really enjoyed it -he's forgotten how to now but wants me to reteach him once I have the hang of it! I really hope my child will want to learn too as I value the idea of passing things on through generations and keeping a common interest threading through a family.

1 comment:

  1. I've always been a bit of a knitter but never have the time or motivation any more. Have been trying to teach myself crochet at the the moment but failing miserably!
